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History Department

An overview of History Department:
The department was founded on September 25, 2014 whose aims are to prepare a number of specialists from competent professors to manage the field of education, to develop knowledge and specialized Sciences, to manage its programs efficiently and to graduate specialists in general history , and teaching cadres in the specialty of history.

A vision of history curricula:
The history curricula are a means of building an open Iraqi personality that does not believe in extremism and intellectual closure .It believes in dialogue and openness to others and human right live together in peace and enhance the value of belonging to the land inspired by our rich history that involves the pages of the human values, ideals and tolerance with the other in different age.

Department Letter:
The letter of the history curricula is to find valuable ways and means to study human history in a comprehensive study focusing on the inspiration of its civilized, humanistic and moral values of it and to emphasizes the student's role in the learning process, which focuses on the educational process at the university stage, as well as the preparing teaching cadres who believe in the values of the educational system in Iraq, is based on the principles of the new Iraqi constitution, and benefits from all the international experience in the field of history curricula, especially the curricula of member countries that are similar in their social composition with Iraq.

1. To benefit from the science of history in the development of free thinking skills based on the study and analysis of historical facts and their reconstruction among students in order to reach historical facts on the basis that history is a science that has its own rules and origins.
2. To develop the ability to criticize historical ideas, opinions and narratives in order to build an independent personality capable of analyzing historical incidents, understanding them, taking advantage of the current reality and trying to foresee the future.
3. To learn about human experiences through the ages in which the student is given a clear understanding and awareness of the process and the march of human societies throughout history as an embodiment of the creator's will and its care for that march and to promote the values of co-existence among the student
4. To enable the student to identify him/herself objectively ,abstractly and openly with to others in order to put historical events and their problems in the right order, to facilitate the solution of historical problem that are still present today that cast heavy shadows on the political, social and cultural scene.
5. To give the student the ability to realize and understand the message of man on Earth and the purpose of his existence, which is to worship God and the ages of the earth and to realize the messages of heaven to man through the ages.

6. To provide the student with the skills and mechanisms of historical research to enable him to be competent in the science in which he specializes , and to be able to understand and recognize the present moment and try to foresee the future


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