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The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science organizes an awareness-raising lecture on (electronic blackmail: causes and methods of prevention)

The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science organizes an awareness-raising lecture on (electronic blackmail: causes and methods of prevention)

The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science/University of Kirkuk organized an awareness-raising lecture for the students of the Geology Department, third and fourth stages, entitled Electronic Blackmail: Causes and Methods of Prevention. It was delivered by (assistant teacher Abdul Karim Muhammad Saleh), Director of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science, and (A. T. Bushra Rasul Rasheed), member of the Guidance Liaison in the Geology Department.

The lecture aimed to spread awareness among students to avoid them becoming victims of electronic blackmail. The lecture covered several topics, the most important of which was a general introduction to the concept of electronic blackmail and the legal ruling on blackmail, how the blackmail process occurs, the motives and causes that lead to it, its negative effects on the family and society, ways to prevent it, and how to act when it occurs. Blackmail incident and protecting personal information from electronic theft.


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