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Department of Mathematics


Teaching research and graduation projects 

Graduation Projects




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Mustafa Saeed

Mohamed Noureddine

Laplace Transforms

Laplace transforms are operations used in mathematics, engineering, electrical engineering, and control to convert functions from a time domain to a reciprocating domain and vice versa. These processes help analyze and understand the behavior of dynamic systems. The most common form of Laplace transformations is the Laplace transformation of the function f(t) represented by F(s)). Laplace transforms are a powerful tool in dynamic systems analysis and control, helping to understand the system's response to different signals in the frequency domain.


Drea Ahmed

Sondos Omid

Normal logarithm function

The normal logarithm function is typically referred to as the "natural logarithm" and is denoted by "ln" or simply as "log" with no base specified. It uses the base "e," which is approximately equal to 2.71828.

The natural logarithm is commonly used in mathematics, science, and engineering to solve problems involving exponential growth or decay, calculus, and various other mathematical applications. It also has applications in fields such as finance and statistics.


Furqan Fadel

Hanaa Khalil

Numerical Solution of a System of Nonlinear Equations


Solving a system of nonlinear equations involving the use of numerical methods and algorithms. These methods are based on estimating changes in values by repeatedly applying the algorithm until an acceptable estimate is reached for the solution. There are many numerical algorithms used to solve nonlinear equations, including:

1. * Newton-Raphson method:* depends on approximating the solution to a certain starting point and then applying the basic rule of differentiation to the equations of the system. These steps are repeated until a good estimate of the solution is reached.

2. *Bisection Method:* It depends on dividing the solvable domain in half and testing the halves to determine the part that contains the solution. Repeat the process until you discover the solution with acceptable accuracy.

3. *Fixed-Point Accuracy method:* It is based on converting the equations of the system into a differential formula for the fixed point and rounding the solution by repeating the formula by fixed points.

4. *Secant Method:* It depends on the use of two lines representing two estimates of the solution and the use of linear regression between them to estimate a new estimate of the solution.

5. *Golden Section Search methods:* used to search for multiple values of a non-linear equation in a specified range by dividing the range and testing the values within the range.

Choosing the right algorithm depends on the nature of the equations and the specific problem. The stability and error estimates of the solution must also be considered to ensure the required accuracy.


Hanan Kamal

Anfal Arslan

Applications in Ordinary Differential Equations

The main objective of this research is to highlight the concept of the importance of equations

Differential of the first class and the first rank and its wide role in the fields of

different and its applications in biology, chemistry and others.

First-order and first-order differential equations occupy the position

prestigious in these areas as most of the relations and laws governing between

Variables appear as differential equations, and to understand this problem, it is necessary

than solve these differential equations or at least know a lot of properties of

These solutions.


Ismail Ahmed

Hussein Mahmoud Ali


Methods for solvingnonlinear equations with a variable A gun



The aim of this research is to study the methods used to find the roots of nonlinear equations with a single variable such as Newton-Raphson method, halving, fixed point and secant method.


Mahmoud Hamad Mousa

Ahmed Dhiab

Group Applications


Group applications in mathematics include many concepts and fields. Here are some examples of group applications in mathematics:

1. Study of integers: Integers (group of integers with addition) are used to understand the properties of integers and to emphasize the laws of addition and subtraction.

2. Linear Algebra: Groups are used in the study of linear algebra, where matrices and algebraic groups can represent and analyze mathematical patterns.

3. Space geometry: Groups play a role in the analysis of symmetry and geometric transformations in space, such as axial symmetry and transitional symmetry.

4. Group theory: Groups are sometimes used to study the relationships between groups and algebraic operations on these groups.

5. Mathematical operations: Cliques are used in the analysis of mathematical operations such as addition, multiplication and division to understand their properties and laws.

These are just a few examples of how groups can be used in mathematics. Cliques play a crucial role in the development of mathematics and the interpretation of many mathematical phenomena.


Abdullah Nouri

System of homogeneous differential equations

A system of homogeneous differential equations consists of a set of first, second, or higher-order differential equations that are grouped into one system and are all homogeneous, meaning that the right-hand (hypothetical) part of each equation is equal to zero. The solution to a system of homogeneous differential equations involves finding functions that satisfy this system of equations. The solution can be analytical (if possible) or can be calculated by numerical algorithms in difficult cases. The type and difficulty of solving the system depends on the nature of the functions and the initial or boundary conditions that are applied.


Sajida Hamid

Dina Farhad

Sajida Hamid

Dina Farhad

The research deals with the definition of the recognized set in mathematics and the definition of the fuzzy set and a study of its properties and the difference between it and the properties of the regular set with a focus on the union of fuzzy groups supported by multiple and varied examples.



Sonbol Sadraddin

Nora Adel

Bizier curve

Bezier Curve" refers to a mathematical curve that represents a probability distribution or probability distribution of a random variable based on information available or continuously updated using the Bezier principle. This principle is based on updating the probability distribution based on new information frequently.

The basic principle of Bezier's principle is to use prior knowledge and new data to update the probability distribution of a particular variable. This distribution is represented by the Pizi curve. Initially, a prior distribution is defined, then continuously updated based on new data using a Bayes' rule to obtain a posterior.

The Bezier curve can be useful in a variety of applications, such as probability distributions in statistics and data analysis, understanding complex scientific phenomena, and other areas that deal with uncertainty and improve certain predictions and predictions.


Iman Muhammad Gabriel

Sara Kamran Jalal

Euler's Improved Method for Solving Differential Equations

The Improved Euler method is a numerical method used to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs), an improvement on the simple Euler method. This method is used to estimate the value of a function at a given point after a specified interval.


Alaa Abd El , Rahman

Shajuan Jumaa

Shunum Tread Ali


Laplace and Inverse Laplace transformation

In this paper we study the transform of some functions same

Constant.. Exponantional...sin..cos..sinh..cosh..polynomial functions.. Too Laplace and inverse Laplace..


Mirna Thamer

Sara Hassan

Afrah Ramadan

Generalized β almost contra continues function

In this paper we study the definition of peta almost contra continuous function between intuitionistic topological spaces and we study the relation of this function with another functions same

Continuous.. Seml continuous.. Pre continuous.. Peta continuous and alpha continuous function between intuitionistic topological spaces.


Mahraban Ali

Sven Noureddine

Smoothing technique

Smoothing techniques, in the context of data analysis and signal processing, are methods used to reduce noise or fluctuations in data while preserving essential patterns or trends. These techniques are commonly applied to data that is noisy or contains random variations, making it difficult to discern meaningful information. Here are some common smoothing techniques:

. Moving Average,  Exponential Smoothing, Low-Pass Filtering, Savitzky-Golay Filter,  Kernel Smoothing LOESS is a LOESS (Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing), Hodrick-Prescott Filter   and Gaussian Smoothing 

The choice of smoothing technique depends on the characteristics of the data and the specific goals of the analysis. Smoothing can improve data visualization, make it easier to identify trends and patterns, and enhance the performance of subsequent data analysis or modeling.


Amna Mohammed

Zina Kamel

Bounded and continues linear operator on normed space

In this research we president two important concept in functional analysis Bounded and Continuous linear operator on the normed space but before that we define the normed space and linear operator. Finally we studied the relation between Bounded and Continuous linear operator and note that they are equivalent.


Luay Hussein

Muhammad Ikram

Generalized g-closed sets between intuitionistic topological space

In this paper we study the definition of g closed set between  and we study the relation of this set with another sets.. Same Closed set.. Pre closed set.. Semi closed.. alpha closed.. g s closed... s g closed and gpeta closed set between intuitionistic topological spaces.


Jinan Mohsen

 Ruya Mardan 

Improving the Newton-Ravenson method

In this research, Newton-Raphson's method was improved using a new law and reaching the root with fewer repetitions than the previous method. Some examples were solved and the result was written using Matlab.


Abdullah Mohammed

Janar Ismail

Methods for solving ordinary differential equations


This research included an introduction to differential equations and their use in life engineering and biological physical sciences in addition to the economic sciences of social and included the basic concepts of the differential equation and its types and this research specialized in differential equations of the first order and ways to solve them


Youssef Rahim

Ahmed Ali

Markov Chains

Markov fixed chains are a type of time series that has the property of constant state transition. This means that the transition of a state from one state to another in this series depends only on the current state and does not depend on time. In other words, state transmission is a random process that relies on fixed probabilities between states.

Markov fixed chains are used in many applications such as the analysis of natural, economic and engineering processes. These series provide a mathematical framework for understanding and analyzing the evolution of systems over time in a consistent and systematic manner.


Dalia Mohammed

Sara Horaz

Matric space and Banach space

In this research we studied the relation between two important space in the functional analysis namely the metric space and Banach space where we say that every Banach space is a metric space but is not necessary that every metric space is Banach space and for that we need to study the normed space convergent sequence Cauchy sequence and complete space.


Saya Saman

Shirin Azad

Zainab Jawdat

Discrete probability distributions


This research included an introduction to differential equations and their use in life engineering and biological physical sciences in addition to the economic sciences of social and included the basic concepts of the differential equation and its types and this research specialized in differential equations of the first order and ways to solve them



Najia Ibrahim

Nouran Rafiq

Global Optimization and Local Optimization

"Global optimization" and "local improvement" are concepts used in multiple domains and refer to the two different approaches to solving problems or improving processes. Here's an explanation of each:

1. Global Optimization:

- This approach aims to search for the best solution on a comprehensive or global level to a particular problem.

- It involves researching all possible options without considering too much local details.

- This approach can be useful when there are multiple and interrelated variables in the problem and when looking for the optimal solution for these variables.

2. Local Optimization:

- This approach aims to search for the best solution in a specific area of the space of possible solutions.

- It is about improving solutions based on the information available immediately without looking at the whole picture of the problem.

Choosing the right approach depends on the nature of the problem and the specific goals. Sometimes, it can be a good idea to use local optimization for initial approximation of the solution, and then global optimization to better optimize it.


Burhan Siamand

Hauzen Ali

Fuzzy group complement

The research deals with the definition of the recognized set in mathematics and the definition of the fuzzy set and a study of its properties and the difference between it and the properties of the regular set with a focus on the complement of fuzzy groups supported by multiple and varied examples.


Zina Ali

Zahra Haidar

Analysis of errors and convergence speed of some iterative algorithms

The existence of problems and mathematical problems and functions or equations can be reached to solve or values easily and controlled such as algebraic functions and equations or initial integrations and likewise there are functions and problems that are impossible or difficult to solve such as transcendent or algebraic equations with incorrect powers or integrations of non-elementary or non-linear functions. For scientific purposes, and in the event that it is not possible to find the exact solution, we resort to the use of approximate values to obtain approximate numerical solutions to such mathematical problems in the fields of mathematics, engineering, statistics or any other field of science. Numerical analysis includes the study and evaluation of methods for calculating the targeted numerical results for the given numerical data, since the numerical solution to a problem is usually an approximate value of the exact solution to that problem, so this value is loaded with errors, it is important to measure it to know the accuracy of the event In order to reduce the error in the numerical solution, we have to know the sources that cause this error and control itا.


Tina Mohammed

Asma Younis

Exponential function

An exponential function is a mathematical function of the form

f(x) = a * e^(bx)

"f(x)" represents the value of the function at a given input "x."

- "a" is a constant called the "initial value" or "y-intercept." It represents the value of the function when x is 0.

- "e" is the base of the natural logarithm, approximately equal to 2.71828. This function plays a fundamental role in mathematics and has important applications in calculus, differential equations, and complex analysis.



Shivan Sharif

Mustafa Hatem

use the Lakrang method to solve partial differential equations,


Our goal in this research is to use the Lakrange method to solve linear partial differential equations at least in partial derivatives and not necessarily linear in the dependent variable of the first order and expand their study and solve more difficult problems in this way.


Tafka Fouad

Alaa Ahmed

Iman Assi

Homomorphism ring

The aim of this research is to study the concept of homomorphism in abstract algebra is the application of conservative shape between two algebraic structures such as groups rings or areas of the carrier and this research consists of three chapters.


Nawroz Sabah

Alaa Mansour

External measurement


The aim of this research is to study the external measurement of restricted groups and unrestricted groups and give examples and proofs of them as the external measurement of restricted and unrestricted groups in several contexts, but the context is more common is in statistics and data science in this context external measurement refers to a technique used to measure a model tool or classification based on information or known standards.


Yusra Rifai

Russell Muhammad

Complex integration

Complex analysis is a branch of mathematics that involves functions of complex numbers. It Provides an extremely powerful tool with an unexpectedly large number of applications including in number theory applied mathematics, Physics, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, and electrical engineering. Rapid growth in the theory of complex analysis and its application has resulted in Continued interest in its study by students in many disciplines. This has given complex analysis a distinct place in mathematics curricula all over the world, and it is now being taught at various levels in almost every institution In this research we study complex integration The research consists of two chapters.


Mivan Yassin

Tariq Kawthar

Dysfunctional integrations

اDefective integrals mean indefinite or non-standard integrals and these integrals include integrals containing complex or unusual functions and requires dealing with defective integrals using special techniques such as integration by parts, integration by analysis, and integration by substitution and their importance through many examples and their applications.


Teaching Research


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Quintic B-spline collocation method for the numerical solution of the Bona–Smith family of Boussinesq equation type

Mohannad Ahmed Mahmoud

Horaz Nazim Jabbar


Application of Modified Extended Tanh Technique for Solving Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation Considering Kerr Law Nonlinearity

Mohannad Ahmed Mahmoud


Stability Analysis and Assortment of Exact Traveling Wave Solutions for the (2+1)-Dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli System

Wafaa Mohiuddin Taha



Wafaa Mohiuddin Taha



Wafaa Mohiuddin Taha


Two-versions of descent conjugate gradient methods for large-scale unconstrained optimization

Horaz Nazim Jabbar

Decay in Systems with Neutral Short-Wavelength Stability: The Presence of a Zero Mode

Adham Abdulwahab Ali

Fatima Zain El Abidine Ahmed


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