اختر لغتك

Registration Division

Registration Division

The Registration Division was established with the beginning of the founding of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, and since the beginning of its establishment, the Division has assumed its administrative duties in organizing students’ files, receiving them, guiding them, and issuing their administrative orders. We list below the tasks assigned to this Division

1- Issuing approvals for students continuing their studies.

2- Authenticating and issuing graduation documents and attestations for graduating students in Arabic and English, along with grades.

3- Verifying graduation documents and confirmations for students graduating without certificates.

4- Verifying and issuing wall documents.

5- Verifying the documents of accepted students centrally through the website designated by the Ministry.

6- Forming a committee to receive new students to register them, follow up on their files and documents, and issue administrative orders for postponement, enrollment promotion, failure, academic liquidation, completion, and transfer to and from the relevant college.

7- Issuing university IDs.

8- Follow up on the authentication of documents extracted from the college and certified by the university and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through a special accreditor and create a special file for each student that includes all documents and orders issued against him from the first day of his acceptance until his graduation.

9- Auditing the paper register annually.

10-Calculating totals, rates, and percentages for all academic levels: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and general averages.

11- Verifying the documents of accepted students within the Ministry’s database for all branches.

12- Accepting academically accredited teachers through the Ministry of Education.

13- Teachers’ institutes accept only the top 10% of institute graduates with scientific specializations.

14- Opening issued records, exporting administrative orders, exporting the validity of issues, exporting confirmation of continuity.


أوقات الدوام

حالة الطقس في مدينة كركوك