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Accounts Division



College of Nursing / Kirkuk University

Accounts Division




Vision :-

The Accounts Division aspires to be a pioneer in the College of Nursing in the field of achieving excellence in accounting, academic, and professional research, renewing this vision and keeping pace with accounting education standards to ensure quality and a high academic level, as well as encouragement and striving to provide its requirements to meet all the needs of Mahat employees to obtain high work capabilities and excellence in the accounting field. .

Message :-

The mission of the Accounts Division is to provide an environment for work and excellence suitable for the promising future of the accounting profession by actively contributing to the preparation of professionally qualified employees to practice the accounting profession in a professional and ethical manner capable of competing in the work of the department and external work, if any, as well as work in community companies.

Objectives :-

1- Providing an educational program in the field of accounting at a high level of quality and constantly developing it in line with technical developments.
2- Qualifying employees with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of accounting to be able to bear the responsibility and burdens of the profession as accountants in various business sectors.
3- Creating an intellectual atmosphere in the Accounts Division to encourage the activation of the private sector and work on projects that contribute to the advancement of the economy.
4- Contributing to the development of the accounting profession through cooperation with professional and governmental bodies interested in regulating the profession’s practices

Working Hours