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Wijdan Abdullameer Kamel

m wijdan

Name (including sure name) : Wijdan Abdullameer Kamel

e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Professional experience (by year) : 20 Years 

Training experience (with country of the training) : Participation in training students of the Faculty of Nursing outside the country at the Islamic Azad University (Tabriz - Iran) from 1/7 to 15/7/2019.

University information

College: College of Nursing

Department: Basic Science

Scientific title: Lecturer

Your highest University certificate

Date of awarding: 2016

The university and college that awarded you the highest university degree: 

Institute of Graduate Studies and Research / Alexandria University

Country: Egypt

General specialty: Chemistry

Specific specialty: Environmental chemistry

Contact information :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published articles:-

    1. Prevalence of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism and its Correlation with Serum Antithyroglobulin among patients in Kirkuk-Iraq

  estimation of blood minerals in people overusing sugar and in diabetic groups.2

   3. Health Consequence of Gas Filling on the Workers’ Health of

Two Cities in Iraq (Comparative Study).

4.  Awareness of Health Workers in Premature Units At Kirkuk

City Hospitals Concerning Neonatal Jaundice.

Working Hours