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mission vision and goals

Mission, Vision and Goals

Since its founding, the College of Medicine at Kirkuk University has developed a plan based on its goals, vision, and mission.

There is a continuous and ongoing effort by the deanship and the university to develop the college at all levels in order to bring the college to the ranks of other medical colleges in Iraqi and international universities and obtain accreditation by applying standards for quality assurance.


Graduating competent doctors who are able to promote the health standard in Iraq and who are enthusiastic about keeping pace with scientific and professional development in a way that serves the needs of the community.


1- Diagnosing and working according to their abilities and skills, seeking for help when needed and choose their role carefully.

2- Ensure direct and accurate supervision of the clinical medical work that they perform.

3- Respect patients' decisions and rights.

4- Take caution when dispensing medication so that it is based on a scientific medical basis and the effectiveness of possible therapeutic options, and decisions are taken after checking and explaining with the patient.

5- Rejecting any kind of discrimination against the patient based on personal views that affects the patient’s safety.


1- Graduating skillful doctors capable of performing health tasks for the community in Iraq, particular in Kirkuk.

2- Providing better opportunities to complete postgraduate studies.

3- Holding conferences and seminars to educate the community about health risks and protect them from these risks.

4- Conducting theoretical and practical studies and research on all medical fields to benefit the community and direct them to solve health problems in the community.

5- Providing health and medical consultations to the community.