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Engineering College Council Meeting

The College of Engineering Council meeting at Kirkuk University was held under the chairmanship of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Jalnak Akram Omar, and in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, in addition to the heads of scientific departments, the Secretary of the Council, and a number of department rapporteurs and committee members. The college held a session to discuss a set of important topics related to the development of the educational and administrative process in the college. The session began with a discussion of the directives of the Ministry and the University Presidency, with a focus on enhancing scientific integrity, especially with regard to the quality of writing and publishing scientific research. The importance of publishing research in prestigious international journals was emphasized, with the aim of raising the academic level of the university and the college. Other issues of interest to faculty and staff were also discussed, including enhancing cooperation and intensifying efforts to focus on academic aspects, improving employee performance, spreading the culture of teaching and learning among cadres and students, and evaluating the progress of the educational process. In addition, the council reviewed the directives of the University President, where it was emphasized that faculty and staff must adhere to legal contexts in all administrative procedures. The Dean stressed the importance of publishing scientific research periodically in Iraqi, Arab, and international journals, with the need to avoid predatory journals that may harm the scientific level of the college and university.

The session also addressed several other topics related to faculty members, employees, and students, most notably:
1. Emphasizing adherence to official working hours for all affiliates.
2. Facilitating student registration procedures and following up on their commitment to attendance and lectures.
3. Closing the final exams file for the academic year 2023/2024.
4. Tightening adherence to instructions and controls related to regular vacations for affiliates.
Finally, the Dean stressed the importance of adhering to administrative and legal standards in all transactions to ensure the continuity of work in accordance with the approved controls.



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