Internal Monitoring and checking Section:
An Overview
Establishment: The Internal Monitoring and Checking Section was established on (15/5/2005). The College of Education accounts were formerly linked to Mosul University up till (2003). Then the college accounts were linked to Kirkuk University Presidency after detaching form Mosul University in (2005). Later Internal Monitoring and Checking Section was inaugurated on 15/5/2005.
Main Duties: Adopting ways, means, and procedures for different purposes like protecting the originals and funds and reassuring the preciseness of accountancy and statistical data, and achieving the maximal production efficiency and assuring the exactitude of the accountancy and statistical data and attaining maximal production efficiency, and assuring the adherence of the staff to the planned administrative policies and plans to attain the major and minor goals. Accordingly, the internal monitoring systems are not limited to financial accountancy areas but also the technical and administrative activity.
Organizational Skeleton of the Checking Unit:
1-Current Accounts Checking Unit: It is exclusively funded by the Ministry of Finance via University of Kirkuk Presidency.
2- Ministry of Higher Education Funds Checking Unit.
A ) Incomes obtained by the College from Higher Education funds are dealt with in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regulations, numbered (122), 1999.
B) Incomes obtained by the college form the evening studies fees are dealt with in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regulations, numbered (135), 2000.
C) Incomes of the Continuing Teaching Centre (bt 850/2) on (30/1/2013)
D) Incomes of private funds in accordance with Ministers Assembly order, numbered (340), (2016) which includes: higher education fees, parallel colleges of undergraduate studies, and undergraduate hospitality fees.