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The Arabic and English Departments at the College of Arts Participate in the Entrepreneurship Week Festival

The Arabic and English Departments at the College of Arts Participate in the Entrepreneurship Week Festival

On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, the Arabic and English Departments at the College of Arts, University of Kirkuk, participated in the Global Entrepreneurship Week Festival, in collaboration with the Technology Incubator Unit at the university's presidency.

Students from the Arabic Department showcased various activities at the festival, including musical performances, book displays, artistic works, and handicrafts. These activities were supervised by Dr. Koystan Najm Al_Deen Enja, Head of the Arabic Department.

A student from the English Department presented two technological projects:

1. Inbox Web Hosting and Website Programming

2. Madarek Educational Platform Supported by Artificial Intelligence

These projects were supervised by Ms. Rana Sami Hamid, Rapporteur of the English Department.

Working hours

  • Weekdays 08:30 - 18:00
    Friday is a holidaySaturday is a holiday

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