Towards green Kirkuk...

Towards green Kirkuk...

The President of Kirkuk University launches the Plant Initiative

The President of the University of Kirkuk, Professor Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, launched the “Plant” initiative among the university’s faculties, with the aim of spreading the culture of afforestation and planting flowers, with the contribution of elites, academic figures, students, and the media, in a way that enhances its cultural status and contributes to supporting the protection and safety of the environment in Kirkuk.

Under the direct guidance of Professor Dr. Khaled Khalil Ahmed, Dean of the College, the Deanship of the College of Agriculture/Hawija organized a large afforestation campaign. The campaign included maintaining gardens and green spaces inside and outside the college, with the participation of teaching and professional staff and students.

It should be noted that the initiative starts from Tuesday, 2/27/2024, until Thursday, 3/7/2024.
It includes choosing the best among the colleges, to be honored with the Creativity and Excellence Medal.


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