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Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

     The mathematics department is one of the main departments in the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Kirkuk since its inception in the year the academic year 2015-2016. The department aiming for the preparation of high-quality scientific cadres which have the skill and logicality to tackle the scientific issues as well as qualifying the graduate to work in the field of scientific research and in the sectors of education, banking, accounting and insurance. The department awards a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics, so that the graduate is qualified to teach mathematics. Graduates of the department are qualified for postgraduate studies and conducting research. In addition, some of the department’s teachers contribute actively to scientific and educational seminars inside and outside the country.

Vision :-
     Promoting hope, good deeds, and mutual understanding, generation after generation, through balanced education and adhering to the principle of “I am for public service” is the most noble goal for people in general and teachers in particular. As well as creating ways to deal with the changing reality of education and a system capable of thinking and decision-making in an integrated manner


     Graduating qualified people who possess scientific logical thinking and scientific research skills in mathematical sciences. Also, spreading knowledge and science to enrich life and motivate people to think consciously about science, to develop society, and to create an environment conducive to education and understanding.

     Graduating a group of teachers who are scientifically, educationally, and nationally qualified to contribute to building a great Iraq, raising the rising generation of its children, and instilling a love of science and the homeland in the souls of students. Encouraging scientific research, publishing in prestigious journals, and attending and participating in conferences, scientific seminars, training courses and workshops.

Nature of study in the department: - Annual system.

Certificates awarded by the department: - Bachelor of Education in Mathematics.

Job opportunities for graduates: - Working as mathematics teachers in middle and middle schools in the Ministry of Education.

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