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Assistant Prof. Dr. Soran Nihad Sadek


Full Name: Dr. Soran Nihad Sadek

Personal data:
Nationality: ----Iraqi----------------- Date of Birth: -29/09/1959--------------
Address: Kirkuk / Kirkuk - Al-Mansour District - Locality 437 Alley 27 Al-Dar No. 34.

Job Title: Kirkuk University - College of Science - Department of Applied Geology

Marital Status: Married

Number of children: four boys

Scientific Title : Assistant Professor

General Specialization : Geologist

Specialization : Hydrogeologist

Place and date of first appointment in the country:

Ministry of Irrigation - Public Establishment for Groundwater - Baghdad on 24/6/1986

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Qualifications: - PhD

University, Department (Date obtained):

Bachelor of Science – Geology: College of Science – University of Mosul – 1980
Master of Hydrogeology – College of Science – University of Mosul – 1984
PhD in Hydrology – College of Science – University of Baghdad – 1997

Work Experience: --Teaching + Supervision of Graduate Students + Training + Management

Assistant Director of the project "Hydrological Investigations of Plot-9: North Island" at the Public Establishment for Groundwater at the Ministry of Irrigation, for the period 1986-1988
Geologist at the Euphrates Center for Studies and Designs of Irrigation Projects / Ministry of Irrigation - Baghdad - for the period 1988-1991
Summer Training Officer at the Technical Institute – Kirkuk for the period 1992-1995
Director of the Department of Scientific Affairs at the Kirkuk Technical College for the period 1998-1999
Head of the Department of Surveying Engineering Techniques at Kirkuk Technical College for the period 1999-2006
Director of the Department of Scientific Affairs at the Presidency of the University of Kirkuk for the period 2008-2011
Secretary of the Council of Kirkuk University for the period from 2010 - 2016
Director of the Central Library at the University of Kirkuk for the period from 2011 to 2015
Director of the Department of Scientific Affairs at the University of Kirkuk for the period from 2015 to 2016
Head of the Security Permits Division at the University from 2015 to 2016
Currently teaching in the Department of Applied Geology at the College of Science


- Name of training entity, city (from date / to date)

Course of the optimal use of springs in Iraq - University of Baghdad - 1987
Teaching Methods Course 1992
Electronic Computer Course for Scientific Promotions 1999
Course in Developing Senior Administrative Leaders – Beirut – 2010
Course in Quality and Reliability - Sharm El Sheikh - Egypt - 2011
Course in Library Development – Beirut – 2012
Specialized courses in petroleum geology - French Total - Irbid - Jordan 2009, Istanbul - Turkey 2010, 2012, 2013.
Published Researches:

  • Hydrodrogeochemical properties of ground water in the vicinity of Al-hawija plain ,SE_kirkuk-Iraq
  • The use of principle component factor analysis to express the groundwater hydrogeochemical parameters of Taza-Daquq basin, south Kirkuk-Iraq
  • Heavy mineral distribution in habbaniyah Lake
  • Impact of leachate on soil and groundwater quality in the vicinity of landfills of Kirkuk city (Kirkuk-Iraq).
  • Major and trace elements of water and sediments od Dibbes Dam – Iraq
  • PhD thesis: Hydrology and sedimentary of Habbaniyah Lake/1997

    Master Thesis: Hydrogeological Study of the Rabia Basin in Northwestern Iraq with a Mathematical Model for its Upper Part / 1984

    Scientific Activities:

    Chairman of the Committee for the Establishment of the Department of Surveying Techniques Engineering at the Kirkuk Technical College/1998
    Member of the Coordination Committee between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with the Ministry of State for /2009 Governorates Affairs
    Member of the Committee for Testing the Teaching Validity at the University / 2010-2011
    Member of all committees for scientific seminars held at the university for the period from 2008-2012
    Chairman of the University Performance Evaluation Committee 2012
    Member of the Committee for Checking and Correcting Examination Sheets for University Faculties / 2013 - Until Now
    Chairman of many investigative committees in the presidency of the university and so far.
    Member of the discussion committee for master's and doctoral students at the Faculty of Science / University of Kirkuk, Mosul and Tikrit.
    Supervising master's students
    Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Kirkuk University for Scientific Disciplines as of 1/6/2016 –
    Teaching many theoretical and practical subjects

  • Community Service: -

    Establishing administrative development courses in the field of quality for the employees of the North Oil and North Gas Company and the Kirkuk Electricity Directorate
    Conducting a topographic survey for the establishment of power lines in Kirkuk and Baiji for the Ministry of Electricity
    Training the employees of the Department of Urban Planning in Kirkuk on electronic survey devices
    Participation in holding conferences, scientific seminars and exhibitions at the university.
    Scientific and Administrative Committees:

    Member of the Coordination Committee between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with the Ministry of State for /2009 Governorates Affairs
    Member of the Committee for Testing the Teaching Validity at the University / 2010-2011
    Member of all committees for scientific seminars held at the university for the period from 2008-2012
    Chairman of the University Performance Evaluation Committee 2012
    Member of the Committee for Checking and Correcting Examination Sheets for University Faculties / 2013 - Until Now
    Chairman of many investigative committees in the presidency of the university and so far.
    Member of the discussion committee for master's and doctoral students at the Faculty of Science / University of Kirkuk, Mosul and Tikrit.
    Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Kirkuk University for Scientific Disciplines as of 1/6/2016 –

  • Scientific Research:

    7 Scientific research

    Supervising master's students (4) in the Faculty of Science / University of Kirkuk, Mosul and Tikrit University

    Subjects studied:

    Preliminary studies
    Teaching the following subjects (planar area, advanced area, error theory, correction and geodesy) to students of the Department of Surveying Engineering at Kirkuk Technical College for the period from 1998-2006
    Teaching the following subjects (hydrogeology, petroleum geology, hydrochemistry) to students of the Department of Applied Geology at the College of Science and Agriculture for the years 2007 - until now.
    Teaching advanced hydrogeology, lake science, mineral extraction, Iraq geology for master's students (environmental geology and water resources) / College of Science for the period 2013 - until now.

Working hours

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