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Dr. Majeed Hamid Ali


Full Name : Majeed Hamid Ali

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1 - Bachelor of Mathematics / University of Tikrit / Iraq.

2 - Master of Mathematics / Al al-Bayt University / Jordan.

3 - PhD mathematics / differential equations / University of North Texas / USA.

Languages you are fluent: Arabic, English, Turkmen.

University, College, Department: University of Kirkuk - College of Science - Department of Mathematics

Education: Teaching the following subjects: Calculus - Linear Algebra - Discrete Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Discrete Structures - Statistics - Probability - Operations Research - Numerical Optimization - Group Theory - Ring Theory - Mathematical Transformations - Differential Geometry - Computer - Matlab - Differential Equations.

University Information: -

Faculty: Science

Branch or Department: Mathematics

Scientific Title : Lecturer

Degree : PhD

General Specialization : Mathematics

Specialization : Differential Equations

Scientific activities: supervising master's graduate students, participating in conferences, seminars, seminars, and scientific courses.

Contact information with Prof. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published Researches:

Fishing Magic Square to Crete Saver System.
Severing in Empided Text Base in Magic Square (MS) & It's Applications.
Extinctions and Nonextens for Singular Sublinear Problems on Extreme Domines.
Infinity Money Solution for a Singular Smillinear Problem on Extreme Domines.

Working hours

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