الأسم الثلاثي: أميرة كمال محمد احمد
البريد الالكتروني:
المؤهلات العلمية: دكتوراه في علوم الحياة
الجامعة، القسم (تاريخ الحصول عليه):
الخبرة العملية: اكاديمي في جامعة كركوك / كلية الصيدلة
التدريب) اسم الجهة التدريبية والمدينة من تاريخ إلى تاريخ):
المعلومات الجامعية:
الكلية: كلية الصيدلة
الفرع: الادوية والسموم
اللقب العلمي: استاذ مساعد
الشهادة: دكتوراه
التخصص العام: علوم حياة
التخصص الدقيق: فسلجة علوم حياة
النشاطات العلمية:
1.الكتب والبحوث المنشورة :
ت |
اسم البحث أو الكتاب |
اسم المجلة |
رقم المجلة ISBN |
تاريخ النشر |
العدد |
رقم الصفحة |
1. |
The Metabolic Syndrome and Disturbances in Sex Hormones Levels in both gender |
Advances in Life Science and Technology |
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X |
2015 |
34 |
110-116 |
2. |
Component of Metabolic Syndrome with High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein, TSH and Associations between them in Sujects of Hilla City Iraq |
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
1991-8178 |
2014 |
8 |
367-373 |
3. |
Lipid Abnormalities in Metabolic Syndrome Patients. |
Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences |
1995-0772 |
2014 |
8 |
25-29 |
4. |
Assess the relationship between leptin levels with classes of obesity in adult of Babylon, Iraq. |
Mesopotemia Environmental journal |
2410-2598 |
2017 |
Special Issue |
130-135 |
5. |
Association between GIP gene polymorphism and obese adults in Babylon governorate, iraq |
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences |
0975-6299 |
2016 |
7(3) |
318 - 324 |
6. |
Assess the relationship between insulin fasting levels and healthy obesity in adults in the province of Babylon, Iraq. |
Iraqi National Journal of Chemistry |
2223-6686 |
2015 |
15 (4) |
318-328 |
7. |
The relationship between Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome |
European Journal of Academic Essays |
ISSN (print): 2183-3818 |
2015 |
2(11) |
75-79 |
8. |
The relationship between Reactive Oxygen Species and Insulin resistance of Obese individuals in Babylon /Iraq. |
Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology |
2073- 8854 |
2017 |
Special Issue مؤتمر |
251-256 |
9. |
Estimation of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines related with obese individuals in Babylon/Iraq. |
International Journal of PharmTech Research |
0974-4304 |
2016 |
9 |
482-488, |
10. |
Study of association between igf-1 gene polymorphism and obese adults in Babylon governorate |
2017 |
12 |
197–201 |
11. |
Study of the relation of Visfatin with the triglyceride in Adult obesity of Babylon, Iraq. |
في مجلة المؤتمر للمعهد التقني الجنوبي البصرة |
عدد خاص للمؤتمر |
2017 |
مجلد خاص |
274-276 |
12. |
Estimation of Some Immunological and Physiological Parameters for Obese Human. |
Journal of Global Pharma Technology |
0975-8542 |
2017 |
10 |
321-325- |
13. |
Evulution of cystatin C levels and some factors of renal function in hypertensive pateints |
Indian journal of public health research and development |
0796-0245 |
2018 |
9 |
737-741 |
14. |
The effect of morbid obesity on liver function enzymes |
Research J. Pharm. and Tech |
0974-3618 |
2019 |
12 |
1-4 |
15. |
Estimation of the Serum concentration Levels of Ferritin and Vitamin D for Hypothyroid Patients |
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine |
Source ID : 00000178 |
2020 |
7 |
23-28, |
16. |
Assessment the linking of Insulin-like growth factor 1 hormone and their gene polymorphism with excess adiposity |
Sys Rev Pharm |
2020 |
11 |
:649-653 |
معلومات التواصل مع الأستاذ: