Mariya Mustafa abdullah


Mariya Mustafa abdullah : Full Name

 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Qualifications :

 Bachelors degree in Animal production  M.Sc. in Animal  product  ion/poultry meat technology

Practical experience:

Training: Computer Applications 1 / Computer Applications 2 / Computer Applications 3 / Principles of Animal Production / Mechanization of Animal Production / Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments / Microbiology / Molecular Biology Techniques / Principles of Soil Science / Supervising student graduation projects and seminars. At the College of Agriculture / Hawija.

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period):

University information:

the college: Faculty of Agriculture/ Hawija

department: Mecanization and agricultural equipment 

 The scientific title: assistant teacher

Certificate (degree): Master

Date of obtaining the certificate(degree): 3/7/2018

Provide university and college: Kirkuk University


 General specialty: Animal production

Specialization: poultry meat technology

Scientific activities:

1- Scientific seminars 7 only

 2-Scientific conferences inside Iraq: 5

3- Scientific conferences outside Iraq: 2.

 Contact information with the professor: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published research: 3 Scientific research only3 Scientific research only

Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city