Yaseen Obaid Noori


Full Name: Yaseen Obaid Noori Ahmed Sharif

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Address: Teaching

Country: Iraq.

Birth place and place of Residence: Kirkuk -1991-9-3

University information:

  • Job Title:University of Kirkuk – College of Agriculture– Al- Hawija.
  • Branch or department: Medicinal and industrial plants.
  • First appointment Date: 2023–2 –15, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/University of Kirkuk/College of Agriculture Al- Hawija.
  • Certificate (degree): Master's degree
  • Date of obtaining the certificate(degree): Master’s degree in field crop sciences with distinction/University of Kirkuk/dated 8/29/2019, issue 10/7/10714.
  • Provide university and college:University of Kirkuk-College of Agriculture.
  • He is a doctoral research student: at Tikrit University/College of Agriculture/Field Crops Department.                   
  • The scientific title: Assistant Teacher
  • Date of obtaining the scientific: 2/15/2023/No. 10/7/7252.


B: Specialize:

  • General Specialty: Agricultural Science Engineering, Field crop science.
  • Specialization: Field crop science, Production of Field Crops.


Academic Qualifications:

         University, Department (date obtained):

  • Bachelor’s degree in field crop sciences/University of Kirkuk/in the year 2015-2016. According to university order No. 3/13/480/ dated 1/11/2017, in a sequence of 11 out of a total of 111 students and for two courses.
  • Master’s degree in field crop sciences with distinction/University of Kirkuk/dated 8/29/2019, issue 10/7/10714.
  •  I work as a lecturer at the College of Agriculture (Hawija).
  •  I Doing a doctoral student, for the second year of research at the University of Tikrit, Department of Field Crops.

Practical experience:

  • I have experience in my field of academic and educational specialization and in the field of teaching since 2019, in addition to my experience in the field of medicinal and industrial plants at the level of primary school students.
  • I have experience in private sector work and office management.
  • Computer skills, including maintenance and programming of all computer devices - formatting - in the field of Photoshop - Microsoft Word (Microsoft Word - Power Point - Excel) and software and hard disk maintenance.

Contact information with the Teaching:

  • Personal email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Number phone: 00964 07705192934 – 00964 07503535776

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period): inside Iraq:

  1. He (took the Arabic language safety course) from the Center for Continuing Education, University of Kirkuk, for the period from 9/8/2019 to 9/12/2019, and the date of publication of the book was 9/18/2019,
    1. number 7/47/10658. Sequence (40) and with a very good grade (88).
  2. Obtained the (thirtieth teaching methods course) / Center for Teaching Methods and University Training / University of Kirkuk for the period 9/15/2019 until 10/16/2019 on 11/7/2019, number 682, serial (63).
  3. He obtained (a teaching certificate) from the Center for Continuing Education/University of Kirkuk, which was held on 11/20-21/2019, and the date of issuance of the letter of support was 12/1/2019, number 7/47/13797. Sequence (25) with a good grade..
  4. He holds certificates of (computer, Arabic and English proficiency courses) / Internet Calculator Center / Continuing Education Center / Presidency of the University of Kirkuk to apply for master’s studies (2017) and doctorate (2020-2021).
  5. He holds a certificate for the Holy (Qur’an course) for the stages: (Introductory, Advanced, and Final) from the narration of (Hafs bin Asim) from Al-Amin Center for Tajweed and Memorization of the Holy Qur’an in (Tabayi and Ronaki Mosque (Al-Nour)) Rahim Awa.
  6. Participation in (the development training course in digital transformation and digitization of curricula) from 8/13/2022 until 8/28/2022/Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/ Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority/Electronic Ministerial Team.

Scientific activities:

  • There are many activities in which I participated in the College of Agriculture, the College of Agriculture, Hawija, and the College of Education for Humanities. A copy of the master’s thesis will be delivered to the Kirkuk University Library and to the National Library and Archives in Baghdad.
  • A guide to (molecular genetics and its techniques) published in the Ibaa Agricultural Journal of the College of Agriculture - Hawija 2022.
  • A workshop on how to (prepare a CV) affiliated with the Division of Continuing Education/College of Agriculture - Hawija, University of Kirkuk, in coordination with the Department of Mechanization and Agricultural Equipment, on Tuesday 3/16/2021.
  • A scientific lecture on the topic (The importance of growing white corn under stress conditions in the Iraqi environment) on Wednesday, 11/23/2022, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Kirkuk University - Hawija College of Agriculture - Continuing Education Division in cooperation with the Department of Medicinal and Industrial Plants.
  • A workshop on (Computer Format and its importance in state institutions) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - University of Kirkuk - College of Agriculture, Hawija - Division of Continuing Education in cooperation with the Department of Medicinal and Industrial Plants, on Tuesday 5/2/2023.
  • A scientific article on (The importance of estimating the genetic parameters of the genotypes of white maize Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) published in the Ibaa Agricultural Journal of the College of Agriculture - Hawija 2022.
  • Delivering a workshop entitled (Homosexuality) on 8/27/2023, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - University of Kirkuk - College of Agriculture, Hawija - Division of Continuing Education, in cooperation with the Department of Medicinal and Industrial Plants.

Published research:

Scientific Research  Journal of Agricultural Sciences Kirkuk.

 1- Effect of Plant Density and Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Pop Corn (Zea mays L. everta).

Seq Title Researchers Name of Journal Journal Number Year of Publication
1- Effect of Plant Density and Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Pop Corn (Zea mays L. everta).

Yaseen Obaid Noori Ahmed Sharif

Jassim Mohamed Aziz Al Jubori

Kirkuk University Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Volume 11, Issue 1

Page 143-126

the third mounth


Scientific links:

Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city