Omar Thaer Kamil Ali


Full Name: Omar Thaer Kamil Ali

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


B.Sc. Agric. Sci. (Horticulture), Fac. Agric., Kirkuk. Univ., Iraq, (2011)

M. Sc. Agric. Sci. (Pomology), Fac. Agric., Cairo. Univ., EGYPT, (2014)

PHD. Agric. Sci. (Pomology), Fac. Agric., Zag. Univ., EGYPT, (2021)

ICDL, TOEFL Cert. Zag. Univ., EGYPT, (2021)

Practical experience Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period):

  • Teaching Methods Course (17-10-2021 until 17-10-2021) Kirkuk University
  • Arabic Language Safety Course (12-03-2023 until 16-03-2023) Kirkuk University


University information

the college: Faculty of Agriculture\Hawija

department: Medical and Industrial Plants

The scientific title: Lecturer

Certificate (degree): DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

Date of obtaining the certificate(degree): 25-01-2021

Provide university and college: Faculty of Agriculture Zagazig University

Country: EGYPT

General specialty: Horticulture

Specialization: Pomology

Scientific activities: Working with examination committees and discussing research and graduation projects and seminars.

Contact information with the professor:

Mob: +9647702323125  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published research: 2                 MORE

Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city