Hussein Habeeb Mustafa


A: Personal Information:

  • Name: Prof. Dr. Hussein Habeeb Mustafa Mohammed Al-Ezze.
  • Birth place:   Kirkuk / Daquq.
  • Birth date:           29/12/1973
  • Certification:            D.
  • Scientific Grade:   Assistant Professor
  • First appointment Date: 22/12/2005
  • First appointment place: University of Kirkuk, College of Science.
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


B: Specialize:


  • General Specialty: Chemistry
  • Accurate Specialty: Industrial Chemistry

C: Education(Certificates):

  1. D.
Country  U.K.
City Wales, Bangor
University Bangor



Country  Iraq
City Ninawa
University Mosul


  1. BSc
Country  Iraq
City Ninawa
University Mosul



C. Published Researches:

Journal Country Title year
J. Edu. Sci. Mosul              Iraq Synthesis of some new Schiff Base complexes 2001
ChemComm (Elsevier) UK Diastereomeric cyclic tris-allenes 2013
Tetrahedron (Elsevier) UK Tandem rearrangements of a cyclic bis-allene 2014
Chemistry and physics of lipids (Elsevier) UK Anine carbon homologating system for skip-conjugated polyenes 2014
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering USA Selective Mono-Ozonolysis of a Cyclic 1,5,9 Cyclododecatrien 2015
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences India Synthesis and study of new N-aryl pyrroles 2016
International Journal of Chemical Studies India Preparation of Nickel Catalyst supported on Alumina by impregnation were utilized in Hydrogenation process 2017

Journal of Science,  Kirkuk University


Iraq Improvement of industrial linear alkyl benzene for detergents production  2017

Journal of Kufa


Iraq Preparation of Activated Charcoal with High Surface Areas from an Agriculture wastes and industrial residues 2017

Journal of Karbala


Iraq Evaluation Biological Activity of Some Chemical Compounds Contain Amide group or Imine group 2017

Journal of College of Basic Education, University of Mosul


Iraq Develop new method to preparation of insect pheromones 2018
Journal of global pharma technology India Novel Unsaturated Intermediates (Aldehyde, Polyolefin, Pheromone and Fatty Acid) Synthesized using Wittig Reaction 2018
Journal of engineering and applied sciences



 Synthesis of liquid organic fertilizers from the waste of fishs 2019

Working hours

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