Ahmed Ibrahim Khalaf


Full Name: Ahmed Ibrahim Khalaf 
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Qualifications :obtained a bachelor's degree, master's degree, and PhD degree in soil sciences

Practical experience: Former member of the Medicinal Plant Propagation Unit - Responsible for the Laboratory Unit - Preparing a fertilizer mixing guide - Preparing a afforestation guide for Kirkuk Governorate

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period): A training course was held at the University of Kirkuk - College of Agriculture / Hawija on laboratory safety, the principle of operation of laboratory equipment - a course in computer programs.

University information
the college: College of Agriculture / Hawija

department: Medicinal and industrial plants

The scientific title: assistant teacher

Certificate (degree): Master
2016/7/27: Date of obtaining the certificate(degree):
Iraq - Tikrit :Provide university and college:
Iraq: Country:
General specialty: Soil science and water resource
Specialization: Soil fertility and plant nutrition
Scientific activities: Member of the examination (audit) committee - Discussing graduation projects - Member of the committee for auditing graduate rates - Member of the afforestation guide in Kirkuk Governorate for the college - An article on iron in plants - An article on nitrate pollution - A scientific seminar (Sumner) on zinc in plant soil and Its effect on humans.

Contact information with the professor: 07705191809
 Published research:
1- Research in the Tikrit Journal of Agricultural Sciences for the year 2016 (The effect of different levels of phosphorus and magnesium fertilizers on grain yield and its components of wheat crop in gypsum soil with a low ready-made magnesium content).
2- Research in the Kirkuk Journal of Agricultural Sciences for the year 2021 (the effect of potassium levels and the type and level of zinc on nutrient absorption of wheat plants growing in gypsum soil).
3- Research in the Kirkuk University Journal of Agricultural Sciences for the year 2021 (Effect of potassium fertilizer on grain yield and its components for wheat crop in gypsum soil).

Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city