Khaled Khalil Ahmed Suleiman


Full Name : Khaled Khalil Ahmed Suleiman

Email :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Qualifications :

- Bachelor’s degree from Tikrit University/College of Agriculture for the academic year 1998-1999.

- Master’s degree/Breeding and improving field crops, Tikrit University/College of Agriculture. 2001.

- Doctorate/Plant breeding and genetics, University of Mosul/College of Agriculture and Forestry. 2006.

Practical experience:

  • Primary studies: studied statistics/plant physiology/physiology/molecular genetics/growth regulators/biostatistics/biochemistry/ plant anatomy and classification/principles of genetics/quantitative genetics/principles of field crops/fodder crops/design and analysis of agricultural experiments/breeding and plant improvement/biotechnology/tissue culture. In the Colleges of Science, Agriculture and Education for Pure Sciences and the College of Agriculture/Hawija.
  • Postgraduate studies (Master’s + PhD): Studied the subjects of advanced design/advanced statistics/advanced physiology/advanced genetics/legume crops.

Supervising postgraduate students

  • Inside Iraq, 10 (ten) master’s students.
  • Outside Iraq, 2 master’s students, one.

University information:

Personal data:

Nationality: Iraqi

Date of birth: 1977

 Marital status: Married

Address: Kirkuk / AlMansour

Job address: University of Kirkuk - College of Agriculture - Hawija

Current position: Dean of the College

Languages: Arabic and English

Mobile number: 07702240471

 the college: Kirkuk University\Hawija College of Agriculture

 The scientific title: Professor

Certificate (degree): Ph.D

Date of obtaining the certificate(degree): 2006

Provide university and college: Tikrit University/College of Agriculture

Country: IRAQ

 General specialty:


Scientific activities: 45

Contact information with the professor: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published research:74

Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city