Amer Najat Najmaldeen Kakahy


Full Name:               Amer Najat Najmaldeen Kakahy

 Email:                 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

                                                       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1- PhD., Dep. of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UPM, Malaysia.

2- MSc., Dep. of Machinery & Agricultural Machines, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq.

3- BSc., Dep. of Agricultural Machines & Equipment, College of Agriculture & Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq.

Practical experience:

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period):


University information

 the college:                             College of Agriculture /Alhawija.

department:                 Dep. of Mechanization & Agricultural Equipment.

The scientific title:       Associate Professor.

Certificate (degree):         PhD.

Date of obtaining the certificate(degree): 12/12/2013

Provide university and college: Faculty of Engineering, UPM,

Country:                               Malaysia.

General specialty:   Agricultural Mechanization.

Specialization:      Agricultural Mechanization & Automation.

Scientific activities:  as below



Contact information with the professor:

Amer Najat Najmaldeen Kakahy

Dep. of Mechanization & Agricultural Equipment, College of Agriculture/Al- Hawija, University of Kirkuk, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Republic of Iraq.

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Additional activities:

1- Member in many organizations and NGOs.

2- More than 600 conferences, workshops and Seminars.

Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city