Rawezh Dlshad Sidiq


Full Name :           Rawezh Dlshad Sidiq 

Email :         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  ,    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.               

Qualifications :

  • Master degree in meat science 2017 University of Kirkuk
  • Samsun University - Turkey Agriculture course 2013

Practical experience                                                        

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period):

  • English course and Microsoft DDO 2008
  • Course for Administration Business CDO 2009
  • Growing self confidence for Iraqi woman 2012
  • Member of Agriculture Engineering 2012
  • Agriculture course in Turkey 2013
  • Kurdistan student association—secretarial Bureau 2013
  • English and Computer course TASAWI USA. program FHI360 2014
  • Computer skills and IT 2014
  • Member as Agriculture's research / Kirkuk 2014
  • Member of Conference as Iraqi youth for living in peace 2017
  • Leadership and management 2020
  • special academic course for promoting women's political capacity which
  • contained this courses: (Gender and feminism & Political philosophy &
  • Dialogue and conflict management & Women and economy & Gender
  • culture social exchange) 2021
  • Analyses of the general budget of Iraq for the year 2021
  • Civil society protocol in the EITI standard 2021
  • JWL's Global English language with the result of 74% 2022

I have been active as a volunteer in many projects, events and organizations the following are the example of some of them: KEDO- Kurdistan Economic Development organization staff Kurdistan students association

University information

The college: Zraa-Hawija

Ddepartment: Mechanization and agricultural equipment

 Academic Titles:     Assistant Lecturer

Certificate (degree):    Master degree

Date of obtaining the certificate(degree):   31\01\2017

Provide university and college:     Kirkuk Universty / College Of Agriculture

Country:    Iraq

General specialty:    Agronomy

 Specialization:        Animal Production

 Scientific activities:

  • Collaborating with students,
  • colleagues, and administrators
  • Leading
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creating assignments and exams
  • Planning and preparing lessons
  • Prioritization
  • Scheduling
  • Presenter For the seminar and workshops

Contact information:    +9647714259292

                   LinkedIn:    https://www.linkedin.com/in/rawezh-dlshad          

          Google scholar:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7o30mmUAAAAJ&hl=en

            Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rawezh-Sidiq

Published research:  Only 3

1- Effect of water extract of propolis and crude enzyme extract of pineapple fruit on some physical, chemical and appearance traits of Awassi sheep meat.

2- Using coefficient of variation to study the carcass traits uniformity for three lines of Japanese quail



Working hours

Weather condition in Kirkuk city