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Department of Anatomy and Histology


The subject of anatomy is considered one of the main basic scientific subjects that is closely related to the rest of the basic and applied clinical veterinary scientific materials. The study of the anatomy subject is divided into

Macroscopic anatomy (microanatomy) Gross
Microscopic anatomy (histology)
The process of teaching anatomy is divided into:

A systemic anatomy study
Tomographic anatomy
A study of comparative anatomy
The study of applied anatomy
Objectives of the Anatomy Department:

Preparing students of the first and second stages scientifically in the field of anatomy, tissues and embryos for all domesticated animals and birds

The anatomy branch is considered a scientific center of excellence in preparing models for education, whether by embalming, preserving immediately, freezing, or both


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Working hours

Weekdays 08:30 - 16:00
Friday is a holiday
Saturday is a holiday
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