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Library Division

The college library is one of the most important places through which many cognitive services are provided to all students by providing educational books that support all academic courses, contribute to providing a large number of research activities and information, and develop reading, knowledge, skills, and abilities that help speed up education and expand knowledge when studying All students.


The library aims to inform students and researchers of the latest scientific trends in their field of specialization by providing sources of information of various types and forms, organizing and processing them technically and electronically so that they can be easily retrieved and communicated about.

Library Division tasks:

There are several tasks for the college library, which can be summarized in the following points:
1- Providing the necessary books and resources for researchers and students.
2- Carrying out technical office procedures such as recording, classifying, analyzing and indexing.
3- Preparing organized lists of library contents, to facilitate the lending process.
4- Facilitating and assisting researchers and students to obtain information and sources in the shortest time and with the least effort.
5- Keeping pace with technological development.

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