اختر لغتك

السيرة العلمية والمهنية الدكتورة امنة حميد احمد


الأسم الثلاثي: آمنة حميد احمد

البريد الالكتروني عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

المؤهلات العلمية دکتوراه فی الکیمیاء الحياتية السريرية

الجامعة، القسم (تاريخ الحصول عليه) جامعة تكريت / كلية الطب ٢٠٠٦

الخبرة العملية كيمياوية اختصاص في مختبرات دائرة صحة كركوك ..تدريسية  في كلية طب تكريت ..محاضرة منسبة للتدريس في كلية الصيدلة /جامعة تكريت ..محاضرة منسبة للتدريس في كلية طب الاسنان/ جامعة كركوك..تدريسية في كلية الطب البيطري / جامعة كركوك..تدريسية في كلية طب كركوك

تدريس طلبة الماجستير والدكتوراه في فرع الكيمياء الحياتية في طب تكريت للاعوام 2009-2016

تدريس طلبة الماجستير والدكتوراه في فرع الاحياء المجهرية في طب تكريت للاعوام2008-2016

تدريس طلبة الماجستير في فرع الفسلجة في طب تكريت للاعوام2009-2016

تدريس طلبة الماجستير والدكتوراه في قسم الكيمياء في كلية العلوم / جامعة كركوك 2017-2023

التدريب اسم الجهة التدريبية والمدينة من تاريخ إلى تاريخ:  

المعلومات الجامعية

الكلية:  الطب

الفرع:  الكيمياء الحياتية

اللقب العلمي:  استاذ

الشهادة:  دكتوراه

التخصص العام:   علوم الكيمياء

التخصص الدقيق:  الكيمياء الحياتية السريرية

النشاطات العلميةمحاضرة في دورات المختبرات الثالثة والرابعة والخامسة والسادسة التي تقيمها وزارة الصحة / دائرة صحة كركوك

الاشراف على طلاب الدبلوم العدد ٣

طلاب الماجستير العدد ١٤

طلاب الدكتوراه  العدد ٦

معلومات التواصل مع الأستاذ الايميل الجامعي aminahamed عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

البحوث المنشورة:

  1. Isolation of adenosine deaminase isoenzymes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Iraqi Med J . 2002; 51:39-44.
  2. Kinetic studies on adenosine deaminase activity in normal and abnormal cerebrospinal fluid. J Basic Medical Sciences. 2002; 2:7-16.
  3. Chronic urticaria: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics. Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2002:1:338-347.
  4. Lipid profile in individuals working in polluted area. Tikrit Univ Med 2006:12:17-21.
  5. Population distribution of lipid profile. Tikrit Univ Med  2007:13:84-90.
  6. The predictive value of ECP I: effect of different treatment regimens. Chest Medicine. 2007;
  7. Effect of acetaminophen and NAC on bronchial markers in asthma. Middle East J Fam Med. 2007;5:8-14.
  8. Adenosine deaminase organic effectors in normal and abnormal CSF. Rawal Med J. 2007;32:146-149.
  9. Serum oxidant / antioxidants parameters in asthma. Tikrit Med J. 2007, 13:44-54.
  10. Correlation among Serum oxidant / antioxidant parameters in asthma. Tikrit Med J.


  1. Effect of steroids and black seed oil on hydrogen peroxide and pH of EBC in asthmatic patients. Tikrit Pharm Sci J. 2009:5:192-202.
  2. Exhaled breath condensate hydrogen peroxide and pH as non invasive marker for asthma. Saudi Med J. 2007; 28;1860-1863.
  3. Biochemical changes in patients with asthma. J Clinical Diagnostic Research. 2007; 5:396-403.
  4. Association between serum ECP levels and FEV1 in asthma . Pak J Med Health Sci. 2008;2:149-154.
  5. Amina Hamed Ahmad Al Obaidi, Abdul Ghani Mohamed Al Samarai The predictive value of IgE as biomarker in asthma. J Asthma. 2008;45:654-663.
  6. Amina Hamed Ahmad Al Obaidi, Abdul Ghani Mohamed Al Samarai, Abdul Karem Yahya Jawad, Jasim Mohamed Al Janabi. Association between of C Reactive Protein and Asthma. Turkish Thoracic J 2010;11:98-104.
  7. The predictive value of eosinophil cationic protein in asthmas as a marker of poorly controlled disease and response guide to treatment . Pak J Chest Med. 2008;14:7-10.
  8. Biochemical markers as response guide for steroid therapy in asthma. J Asthma . 2008;45:425-428.
  9. Adenosine deaminase inorganic effectors in normal and abnormal CSF. Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine.2004;17(2): 175-179
  10. Development of air pollution detection index in Kirkuk: A message for concern. Ann Iraqi Sci. 2008;2:231-235.
  11. The relationship between asthma and allergic rhinitis in the Iraqi population. Allergology International. 2009;58: 549-555.

  1. Risk factors for asthma in Iraqi children. Jour Rural Tropical Public Health. 2009; 8:45-52.
  2. The predictive value of ECP and LDH in asthma : Comparative study of serum versus sputum. World Allergy Organization J. 2009;2:144-149.
  3. Expired breath condensate hydrogen peroxide concentration and pH for screening cough variant asthma among chronic cough. Ann Thor Med. 2007;2:18-22.
  4. Role of airway lactoperpxidase in scavenging of hydrogen peroxide damage in asthma. Ann Thor Med. 2007;2:107-110.
  5. Problem based learning in teaching chemistry: proposed modules for teaching analytical chemistry. Ann I Sci. 2008;1:344-351.
  6. Problem based learning (PBL) in organic chemistry. Ann I Sci. 2009;2:729-733.
  7. Integrated postgraduate study program. Ann I Sci. 2008 ;1 (3&4) :500-501.
  8. Evaluation of simvastatin anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity in asthma. J Bahrain Med Society. 2008;20(2).
  9. Problem based learning : part. I. Ann I Sci. 2008;1(1):118-121.
  10. The effect of different treatment regimens on eosinophil cationic protein in asthma. Ann I Sci. 2008;1(1):19-37.
  11. Agricultural medicine and rural health: Iraqi perspective. Ann I Sci. 2008;1(1):136-139.
  12. Asthma: part. I. Inflammatory, oxidants and antioxidants markers. Ann I Sci. 2008;1(2):188-203.
  13. Problem based learning : part. II. Ann I Sci . 2008;1(2): 305-307.
  14. Why there is no change in medical college curriculum and learning methods? Ann I Sci. 2009;2:563-564.
  15. Part .II. Ann I Sci. 2008;1(3&4):405-412.
  16. part. III. Ann I Sci. 2009;2:565-576.
  17. Community research project as mean of community based education: Tikrit University College of Medicine Experience. Ann I Sci. 2009;2: 650-653.
  18. Permanent skin hyperpimented lesion as a consequence of drug allergy. Case report. Ann  I Sci. 2008;1(3&4):471-474.
  19. Role of Eosinophil Cationic Protein in Asthma and Confounding Factors. The Internet Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. 2010 Volume 7 Number 2.
  20. Biochemical changes in psoriasis’. Lipid profile, oxidants and antioxidants . MEJIM. 2010;3:27-34.
  21. Evaluation of the dermatology teaching program in Tikrit University College of Medicine [TUCOM]. ME-JIM 2011;4:24-34.
  22. Interviewing skills and the psychological domain residency training for pediatric fellowship of Iraqi Board . Tik. Med J 2011;17:242-253.
  23. Proposed models in the evaluation of Tikrit University College of Medicine program: formulating the evaluation questions. Tik Med J 2011;17:225-241.
  24. Proposed models in the evaluation of Tikrit University College of Medicine program: formulating the evaluation questions. Tik Med J 2011;17:254-267.
  25. Systemic adverse reaction to specific immunotherapy. J Allergy Ther 2011;2:2-7. 111. doi:10.4172/2155-6121.1000111
  26. House dust mite immunotherapy in Iraqi patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma. Pharmacotherapy. Chapter 7,pp.141-154,2012. ISBN 979-953-305-316-2. In Tech- Open Access Publisher.
  27. Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of Nigella sativa [Black seed] for treatment of allergic rhinitis. Allergic Rhinitis 2012. ISBN 978-953-307-987-5. In Tech- Open Access Publisher.
  28. Evaluation of Different Combined Regimens in the Treatment of Cholinergic Urticaria. Alsamarai, Abdulghani M.; Hasan, Ali A. ; Alobaidi, Amina H. .World Allergy Organization Journal: August 2012 - Volume 5 - Issue 8 - p 88–93
  29. Amina Hamed Alobaidi, Zaid Mothana, Wesam Suhail Najem, Abdulghani Mohamed Alsamarai Adiponectin, IL-10, IL-23 and Trace Elements Serum Levels in Patients with Psoriasis. American Journal Dermatology Venereology 2012;1(2), October.
  30. Alobaidi AH, Alsamarai AGM. Adenosine deaminase, malondialdehyde, total antioxidant capacity and eosinophil cationic protein in patients with erythroderma. J Investigational Biochemistry . 2013; 2:6-13.
  31. Amina Hamed Ahmad Al Obaidi, Abdul Ghani Mohamed Al Samarai, Abdul Karem Yahya Jawad, Jasim Mohamed Al Janabi. Association between of C Reactive Protein and Asthma. Turkish Thoracic J 2010;11:98-104.

  1. Alsamarai, AGM; Aldabagh MA, Alobaidi AH. Evaluation of topical black seed oil in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. AIAA- MC 2014;13(1):75-82.
  2. Alsamarai AM, Alobaidi AH, Sarhan HH, Ismail FT, Alhamdani YI.

Assessment of the Educational Environment at Tikrit University College of Medicine (TUCOM).  MEJIM 2013;6(5):32-43.

  1. Hasan HM, Alsamarai AM, Aljumaili ZK, Alobaidi AH. Association Between Cytomegalovirus Infection and Bad Obstetric Outcomes in Women from Kirkuk. Int. J Public Health Sci 2014;3(1):29-42.
  2. Amina Hamed Alobaidi, Eqbal Salih Hamad, Kudair Abas Kudair,, Abdulghani Mohamed Alsamarai. Formulation of hypopigmentation cream and evaluation of its effect on skin pigment. Part I: formulation of the product. Our Dermatol Online 2014;5(1):9-13.
  3. Abdulghani Mohamad Alsamarai, Mohammad Ghiyath Alhelwani, Amina Hamed Ahmed Alobaidi. Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effect of Combined Conventional Asthma Drugs with Tianeptine in Treatment of Asthma: Double-Blind Controlled Trial Pilot Study. Pharmacotherapy. In Tech Publisher.
  4. Ramla Hamed Ahmed Alobaidi, Amina Hamed Ahmed Alobaidi, Abdulghani M. Risk Factors for Allergy in Secondary School Girls. Allergy, Chapter 5, P 99-124. 2015. In Tech publisher.
  5. Mohamed Abdulsatar, Amina Hamed Alobaidi, Abdulghani Alsamarai. Zingiber officinale for treatment of different types of allergic diseases. Allergy. 2015
  6. Amina Hamed Alobaidi, Eqbal Salih Hamad, Abdulghani Mohamed Alsamarai, Kudair Abass Kudair. Evaluation of Glycyrrhiza glabra cream as treatment for melasma. Pharmacotherapy, Chapter 2, P. 23 -29. In Tech Publisher.
  7. Abdulghani Mohamed Alsamarai, Hala Mohamed Majeed Hassan, Ferah Ghali Alsalihi, Amina Hamed Alobaidi; Zainab Khalil Mohamed Aljumaili. Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella and Cytomegalovirus Co-infections as risk factors for Abnormal Pregnancy Outcomes. Middle East J Family Med, 2014;12 (3):16-23.
  8. Alsamarai AGM, et al. Health profession education in Iraq. Ann Iraqi Sci 2008;1(1):1-2.
  9. Alobaidi AH, Abrahem MK, Ahmed SS, Alsamarai AGM. Dyslipidemia and oxidative stress in Iraqi women with polycystic ovary syndrome.WJPPS 2015;4:39-48.
  10. Alobaidi AH, Jalaly A, Alsamarai AGM .Biomarkers in Women with Breast Cancer: I: CEA, CA 15.3, CA 27-29, BRCA1, and BRCA2 Predictive Value. IJSRSET 2015;1:342-349.
  11. Alobaidi AH, Jalaly A, Alsamarai AGM, Sarhan HH. Biomarkers in women with breast cancer:II. Hormones, calcium, vitamin D, glucose and IGF predictive value. WJPPS 2015;4:74-100.
  12. Baqer LS, Alobaidi AH, Ehmaed MS, Alsamarai AGM. Evaluation of the effect of metformin on hormone serum levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. WJPPS 2015;4:1574-1581.
  13. Alwan AH, Alobaidi AH, Alsamarai AGM. Leptin, obesity and IgE in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Diyala J Med 2014;6:66-76.
  14. Alobaidi AH, Ghayyib OR, Alsamarai AGM. Hormonal and lipid profile changes in men with chronic renal failure. WJPPS 2015; 4:109-116.
  15. Evaluation the Role of Ghrelin and Leptin as Biochemical Marker in Female with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.MK Ibrahim, AHA Alobaidi. Anti-inflammatory & Anti-allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
  16. Using chemerin and vaspin as non-invasive methods in diagnosing and monitoring chronic hepatitis C infection. AHA Alobaidi, SK Tawfiq, SM Qader. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 29 (4), 444-450
  17. Evaluation of vitamin D in COVID-19 patients. MA Khalil, AH Alobaidi, AH Al-Samarrai. AIP Conference Proceedings 2394 (1), 040008
  18. Role of Interleukin-18, Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Osteopontin, Paraoxonase and Lipoprotein (a) in Psoriasis Pathogenicity. AH Alobaidi, AM Alsamarai. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.