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Diwan Affairs Division

About the Diwan Affairs Division:

The Diwan Affairs Division is one of the important divisions in the College of Law and Political Science at the University of Kirkuk, which is linked to the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs. This division has great importance in organizing and arranging the college’s service matters.

First: the vision

The Diwan Division is one of the important divisions in the College of Law and Political Science at the University of Kirkuk, which seeks to raise the level of administrative and service performance to reach the ranks of international universities.

Second: Tasks and duties:

1- Completing transactions related to service affairs in the college.

2- Supervising all types of maintenance work (electrical, sanitary, structural, mechanical)

2- Supervising and following up on service work (service employees).

3- Follow up on the buildings’ equipment requirements and maintenance.

4- Supervising and following up on maintenance and maintenance of gardens.

5- Coordination and follow-up with the Department of Construction and Projects and the Department of Diwan Affairs at the University Presidency.

6. Supervising and following up on civil defense work.

7. Preparing annual plans for construction and maintenance work in the college.

Third: Composition

The Bureau Affairs Division consists of the following units:

1- Maintenance and Services Unit:

A- Maintenance: This unit is responsible for all electrical work, including extending power lines, establishing electricity, and periodic maintenance of lighting for all college sites, as well as maintaining the college’s assets, including furniture, electrical, and air conditioning equipment, and repairing and replacing faulty ones according to the legally recognized procedures. Maintaining devices and equipment mechanically, controlling the mechanism of operation of the electrical system and distributing it to the college’s departments and facilities, and rehabilitating new ones from simple public establishments, working on maintaining existing electrical power generators and maintaining them periodically, and maintaining furniture and offices that need maintenance.

B- Services Unit:

Carrying out campaigns to remove waste from the college periodically and according to a schedule prepared for that, and cleaning the streets, garages and corridors of the college daily. This unit also undertakes the tasks of operating drinking water pumping stations and storing surplus water  in the main tank, in addition to any other work needed by the college.

2- Electronic fingerprint unit:

Since the public employee is anyone who is entrusted with permanent work in a public facility directly managed by the state, what is required by the system of regular and steady operation of public facilities and the commitment of the public employee to carry out the duties of the job assigned to him, and what requires him to maintain the time of attendance and departure during official working hours. In order to preserve public interests, the administration must organize means of proving the attendance and departure of college employees during official working hours, whether through traditional means such as daily signature books or through modern means such as electronic fingerprinting. Therefore, electronic fingerprinting is considered one of the best of these means in order to achieve the principle of steady and orderly operation of the public facility. And regularity.

The electronic fingerprint unit is the unit responsible for:

a. Entering employees’ fingerprints into electronic fingerprint devices and updating them according to the changes occurring on a regular basis.

B. Retracting weekly reports for employee attendance and dismissal lists.

C- Installing and maintaining fingerprint devices.

3- Mechanisms Unit:

A- Receiving and delivering cars from the university presidency to the colleges and vice versa.

B- Issuing a license to drive cars.

C - Distribution of machinery in the university center, including services, and how they work.

D- The mechanism for transporting employees and the routes through which the university’s private lines pass

E- Annual inventory of cars belonging to all the university and the presidency in particular.

F- Completing and following up on traffic transactions.

T- This unit operates all of the college’s generators at various capacities, and performs daily and periodic maintenance including (changing the engine oil, air filter, fuel filter, and oil filter) according to the generators’ operating hours.

4- Civil Defense Unit:

It is her responsibility to maintain the safety of the college’s members, property, and buildings, reduce human and material losses in emergency situations, work to spread the safety culture and program, prepare an emergency plan, and evacuate buildings to combat fires, accidents, etc., through the following tasks: -

Coordinating with the college dean to develop emergency plans in the college.
Follow up, organize and issue monthly civil defense police schedules.
C- Follow up on all activities carried out by the Civil Defense Directorate at the college (training courses - workshops - seminars - educational lectures).

D- Following up on everything related to providing prevention and safety supplies in the college (fire extinguishers - electrical installations...etc.).

E- Periodic maintenance of fire extinguishers in all college facilities.

F- Follow up and maintain the wet extinguishing system in the college buildings.

T- Follow-up and periodic examination of early warning devices in all joints of the kidney.

G- Providing first aid as quickly and professionally as possible.

Q- Ensure that emergency doors are provided.

5- Gardens Unit:

A- Carrying out daily periodic garden maintenance, including cutting trees and planting flowers.

B- Conducting campaigns to cut tree branches periodically.

C- Conducting college garden cleaning campaigns.

D- Contributing to afforestation and plant cultivation campaigns in the university gardens by equipping the Horticulture Department with plants.

E - The use of agricultural machinery in the field of garden maintenance and cleaning through the use of driven driving hay-cutting machines.

Dr.. Aras Jaafar

Official of the Bureau Affairs Division



