The Consulting Office - Brief Introduction

The Agricultural Consulting Office is located at the College of Medicinal and Industrial Plants, Kirkuk University (in the provincial center near the College of Management and Economics). Established in 2022 in accordance with the Law of Engineering Consulting Offices within the institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education, Law No. 64 of 1979, its activities are primarily focused on agricultural production projects, both in plant and animal sectors, aimed at supporting and fulfilling the consumption needs of food items such as poultry meat and table eggs, mushroom production, soil and water analysis, production of medicinal plants, as well as extensive cultivation of wheat and barley in large quantities and rare and distinctive varieties. Additionally, some of its activities specialize in the field of mechanization and agricultural machinery, in addition to providing scientific consultations in the agricultural sector and conducting purposeful courses aimed at developing human resources skills.

Working hours

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