Graduate Studies:-
Postgraduate/Master’s studies have been established at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Kirkuk for the academic year (2021-2022) based on the fundamental approvals notified to us in the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Department of Research and Development, number B T 5/5111 on 10/14/2020. . A.M. Dr. Diyar Fakhreddine Muhammad Karim, under the responsibility of the Graduate Studies Division.
A- Objectives of the Graduate Studies Unit in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences:-
Number of teaching staff who hold a master’s degree.
Providing the specializations needed by the college.
Providing the opportunity for outstanding college graduates to complete postgraduate studies.
B - Admission controls for students applying for postgraduate/master’s studies:-
1- He must have a primary university degree or its equivalent.
2- To have a passing grade of 65% or from the first quarter according to the decision of the Council of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (7) taken at its fifty-ninth regular meeting on August 24, 1985.
3 - It must meet the special conditions set by the departments or branches (in colleges with branches) and approved by the relevant college council and the university presidency.
4 - He must not be among those who have previously been accepted into postgraduate studies at Iraqi or foreign universities and his acceptance was canceled due to his negligence, or he left his studies for illegal reasons, or he was expelled from it.
5- He must pass the (proficiency) exam in foreign language, Arabic language, and computer.
6- To pass the written examinations conducted by the college (competitive examination).
The integrity of the student’s position regarding military service.
T - The duration of the Master’s study and its general requirements:
The study for obtaining a master’s degree shall be for two calendar years after the initial university study, including the defense of the thesis. It may, with the approval of the College Council, be extended for six months, and the University Council may, based on its conviction, extend it for another six months only, provided that the number of study units during the period is not less than (30) semester units, including the thesis. It does not exceed (36) units, even if the thesis units range from 20% to 40% of the total number of units.
The academic calendar for postgraduate studies is approved by the University Council.
The calendar year for postgraduate studies is divided into two semesters.
The semester unit is the effort of one theoretical weekly hour for (15) weeks, and the equivalent is determined in terms of laboratory, applied, and practical hours, or the required training period inside or outside the university, as decided by the University Council, or its authorized representative based on the recommendations of departments, branches, or The relevant graduate studies committees and the approval of the College Council.
D - The system for performing the exam and the mechanism for calculating the grade:-
Students take final exams in the subjects they have registered for at the end of each semester.
If a student’s absences in any subject exceed twice the number of weekly hours for that subject, the student’s registration is considered canceled for that subject, provided that the number of remaining academic units of study in which he passed for that semester is not less than (10) units, and that the student’s registration is not considered canceled for the entire semester.
The student’s work time when preparing his thesis is considered full time, with no less than (25) working hours per week, and in the event of his absence with a legitimate excuse approved by the supervisor and the department council, for a total of (15) days in one semester, his registration for the entire aforementioned semester is considered void.
A student’s studies may not be postponed except for compelling reasons that the student has no ability to respond to, and he has no involvement in their occurrence, in the event of his joining reserve service, or illness supported by an official medical report. This is done on the recommendation of the College Council, and with the approval of the University President.
6- The student will be expelled from the study if he fails half of the subjects, or more of the subjects of the first semester in the first round.
7- The student must obtain at least an acceptable grade in each subject and a general average of at least a good grade at the end of the academic year in order to be able to continue his studies. If he fails to obtain a general average with a good grade at the end of the year, or fails some subjects, or both. Together, he must retake the exam at the beginning of the next academic year in the subjects in which he did not obtain an acceptable grade.
The grade of each subject is weighted by the number of units it contains when calculating the general average.