Full Name: Rayya Faiz Taha
Academic Qualifications: M.A in the English Language and linguistics
B.Ed in the English language
Practical Experience:
- assistant lecturer in Kalar private technical institute/ kurdistan (2019-2023)
-instructor in the University of Garmian (2019- 2022)
University information
College: College of basic education
Section or Department: Department of English
Scientific Title: Assistant lecturer
Certificate: master degree
Date of obtaining the certificate: 2015
The donor university and college: University of Tikret/ college of education
Country: Iraq
General Specialty: linguistics
Specialization: semantics
Scientific activities:
-IELTS 2019
-participated in the pedagogy course/ kurdistan 2019
- Scientific title/ ministry of Higher education/ kurdistan 2019
-presented many seminars and participated in the workshop: the implementation of in Kalar private technical
-scientific title / ministry of Higher education/ Iraq/ 2023
Contact information with the professor: E-mail:
Published papers:
- Academic Staff’s attitude towards the Bologna process and the new pedagogy in the University of Garmian
- A pragmatic Study of the Use of Personal Pronouns in Joe Biden's Victory speech
- A pragmatic study of promising in George Orwell’s Animal Farm