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Media Department

About the department:

The Department of Media was established in the College of Arts in the year (2015/2016) with two branches: print journalism and radio and television journalism. The department aims to prepare and train students of radio and television journalism in the arts of radio and television. The department includes an elite group of professors with specializations and a professional history of work. Radio and television. Perhaps at the forefront of the department’s goals is to graduate students with an academic qualification in radio and television, out of belief in the great role that the media plays in disseminating and enhancing information, clarifying the image to the public, informing people, and informing them of the events and issues taking place in various parts of the world, in addition to the other media functions of education, culture, entertainment, and advertising. .

Department vision:

The department is concerned with studying media in its various fields and aims to prepare and qualify graduates who are able to work in various state institutions and various fields of media, and to maintain the scientific standing of the college and aspire to obtain global recognition for what it does by achieving scientific quality standards, and reaching a level of creativity, innovation and advancement. In society, by qualifying students to practice work in journalism and in the fields of news gathering, editing, design, directing, press publishing, preparing and presenting programs and directing, conducting questionnaires and opinion polls, planning media and advertising campaigns in various media outlets and advertising institutions, and conducting media research and studies and public opinion research that contribute to the development of work. Media, and emphasizing the professional and ethical responsibilities of the media profession.

Department objectives:

Striving to prepare and qualify graduates who are able to work in modern media and in the fields of journalism, radio and television journalism, public relations and advertising, by providing them with the scientific background, experiences, and appropriate technical skills to qualify them to work in these fields.
Preparing students to practice work in journalism and in the fields of news gathering, editing, design, directing, and journalistic publishing.
Preparing students to practice work in radio and television institutions and in the fields of preparing and presenting programs, radio and television directing, and designing and conducting listener and viewer research.
Preparing students to practice work in government and private institutions, companies and the banking sector in the fields of public relations and the foundations of dealing with the public.
Preparing students to practice work in the fields of preparing and planning media and advertising campaigns, and designing advertisements in various media outlets and advertising institutions.
Qualifying students to practice work in the fields of conducting research, media studies, and public opinion research.
Developing students’ capabilities in journalistic editing and media work in accordance with the requirements of the labor market need in technical and digital media.

Strategic goals:

Preparing to open new specialized branches in line with scientific progress in the fields of media, especially the public relations department.
Building a specialized media studio and investing in it to provide media services to the community.
Providing media studies and consultations to state institutions and the public and private sectors.
Relying on advanced technical methods using the electronic management system.
Acceptance of students graduating from professional studies at a rate of 30%.
Accepting students from media professionals working in local radio and newspapers after bringing confirmation of their work with them.
Opening evening studies and expanding admissions to serve the local community.


To view the approved programs for the Media Department, click on the image below


Working hours

  • Weekdays 08:30 - 18:00
    Friday is a holidaySaturday is a holiday

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