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A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the physiological role of some nano-elements and the growth regulator Psycho-Cell in freesia flowers.

A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the physiological role of some nano-elements and the growth regulator Psycho-Cell in freesia flowers.

A master's thesis at the Faculty of Agriculture discussed the physiological role of some microelements and the growth regulator Psycho-Cell and the extraction of active chemical compounds in the volatile essential oil of freesia flowers.

The thesis, presented by the student Ako Hatem Ismail, aimed to study the effect of spraying with different concentrations of nano-fertilizer for microelements on the growth and productivity of the plant from the flower yield and to study the effect of spraying with the growth regulator Psycho-Cell on the growth characteristics and productivity of the plant from the flower yield and to find the best combination between the two factors and their effect on the growth characteristics and productivity of the plant, and to separate and identify some active chemical compounds and extract them from the oil to extract the active chemicals in the flowers.

The study concluded that the interaction between the two factors had a positive moral effect, and differed according to the overlapping concentrations of both factors, and the proportions of the chemical compounds extracted from the volatile essential oil of freesia flowers varied according to the studied treatments and showed different responses.

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