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Two faculty members at the College of Agriculture contribute to writing a chapter in a book on harnessing biofortification of crops to achieve sustainable development.

Two faculty members at the College of Agriculture contribute to writing a chapter in a book on harnessing biofortification of crops to achieve sustainable development.

The two lecturers at the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Dr. Saad Abdulmajeed Wahib and Dr. Ahmed Essam Dawood, participated in writing a chapter on the biological fortification of leafy vegetables and maximizing the nutritional potential for human well-being, in a book entitled, Harnessing the Biofortification of Crops to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture) by the international publishing house Springer and classified in Scopus containers

The authors explained that their participation in achieving this scientific achievement was to develop solutions and combine all efforts worldwide to provide food and achieve sustainable development goals.

They added that as a result of the rapid population growth, which is expected to reach 9.74 billion people by 2050, and at the same time, global emergencies such as epidemics and climate change have shaped the face of the human agricultural ecosystem. All this has led to the cumulative interest in improving leafy vegetables with essential nutrients, and motivating research communities to find better, more feasible and economical techniques in relation to vegetable fortification. This chapter highlights some of the recent developments in various technologies related to biofortification of leafy vegetables with reference to some important mineral nutrients required by humans. The role of important minerals along with the importance of biofortified leafy vegetables.

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