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A lecturer at the College of Agriculture, a member of the PhD thesis discussion committee at the University of Duhok

A lecturer at the College of Agriculture, a member of the PhD thesis discussion committee at the University of Duhok

The lecturer at the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Assistant Professor Dr. Suzan Ali Hussein, participated as a member of the committee to discuss the doctoral thesis of the student Nawzad Jamil Ibrahim, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok.

The lecturer explained that the thesis she discussed dealt with a study of the Effect of Cultivars Budding Dates, Kinetin and their Interactions on Budding Success Vedetaive Growth Characteristics and Nutrition Status of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Transplants.

She added that the committee, after extensive discussion, decided to accept the thesis as part of the requirements for obtaining a doctorate degree and grant the student the certificate.


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