A workshop for first-year students at the College of Medicinal and Industrial Plants entitled: Basics of Entrepreneurship and Professional Development

A workshop for first-year students at the College of Medicinal and Industrial Plants entitled: Basics of Entrepreneurship and Professional Development

A workshop was held at the College of Medicinal and Industrial Plants for first-year students entitled "Basics of Entrepreneurship and Professional Development", with the support of the Presidency of Kirkuk University. The workshop aims to introduce students to the concepts of entrepreneurship and enhance their professional skills to qualify them for the labor market and motivate them to innovate in their areas of specialization. For his part, Professor Dr. Khaled Khalil Ahmed, Dean of the College, praised the importance of this workshop in building students' capabilities, noting that enhancing entrepreneurship and professional development skills is an essential step in qualifying young cadres for the labor market. He stressed that the college always seeks to provide its students with the necessary knowledge and tools that help them succeed and excel in their professional lives and develop their areas of specialization in a way that contributes to economic and societal development.

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